Sunday, January 3, 2010

String gauge notes

A housekeeping post here--some string-gauge notes on different pieces of paper, in danger of being lost, will instead end up out in cyberspace for the truly geeky to stumble across. :-)

For the Ovation (acoustic steel roundwound)
  1. 6th C2: 59-60 wound
  2. 5th G2: 45-50 wound
  3. 4th D3: 30-36 wound
  4. 3rd A3: 20-22 wound
  5. 2nd E4: 11-13 plain
  6. 1st G4: 9-11 plain

For the fretless acoustic (acoustic steel roundwound)
  1. 6th Bb1: 59-60 wound
  2. 5th F2: 45-50 wound
  3. 4th C3: 35-38 wound
  4. 3rd G3: 22-25 wound
  5. 2nd D4: 11-15 plain
  6. 1st F4: 11-13 plain

For the fretless acoustic (electric steel flatwound)
  1. 6th C2: 54-60 flatwound
  2. 5th G2: 42-48 flatwound
  3. 4th D3: 30-36 flatwound
  4. 3rd A3: 18-21 wound or plain
  5. 2nd E4: 11-13 plain
  6. 1st G4: 10-12 plain

For the banjo (acoustic steel roundwound)

  1. 5th G4: 9-11 plain
  2. 4th C3: 20-26 wound
  3. 3rd G3: 13-18 plain or wound
  4. 2nd D4: 9-11 plain
  5. 1st F4: 8-10 plain

For the SoloEtte (acoustic steel roundwound)
  1. 6th C2: 59-60 wound
  2. 5th G2: 45-50 wound
  3. 4th D3: 30-36 wound
  4. 3rd A3: 20-22 wound
  5. 2nd E4: 11-13 plain
  6. 1st G4: 9-11 plain

For the SoloEtte (electric steel flatwound)
  1. 6th C2: 56-60 flatwound
  2. 5th G2: 42-48 flatwound
  3. 4th D3: 30-36 flatwound
  4. 3rd A3: 16-20 plain
  5. 2nd E4: 11-13 plain
  6. 1st G4: 8-10 plain

For the Strat (electric steel flatwound)
  1. 6th C2: 54-60 wound
  2. 5th G2: 42-50 wound
  3. 4th D3: 26-36 wound
  4. 3rd A3: 16-20 plain
  5. 2nd E4: 11-13 plain
  6. 1st G4: 8-10 plain

For the Strat (electric steel roundwound)
  1. 6th C2: 54-60 flatwound
  2. 5th G2: 42-50 flatwound
  3. 4th D3: 26-36 flatwound
  4. 3rd A3: 16-20 plain
  5. 2nd E4: 11-13 plain
  6. 1st G4: 8-10 plain

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